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Friday, June 4, 2010

I am an elite Army

Talking about an Army is cool, but i'm not
just talking a simply army in this human
world. I'm talking about being an army of GOD.
An army of GOD whom He choose and not vice
versa. These army are born to serve, not to be
serve. An elite army always obey his commander
in spite of everything or of anything. He will
live and die for his King, doing and obeying
because he love his commander, whom he was
first loved. An army has to win his battle, but
in order to experience victory he/she must let
His/her commander rule over him. An Army fears
no one, except GOD alone.
We are made invincible.
What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

By His mighty power we can do anything...
I am an Army.
Are you?  

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1 comments: on "I am an elite Army"

david said...

I am an army too.. same name =)